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»Equal Rights for the Unequal!«

Under that slogan Berlin´s Regenbogenfonds e.V. will present its 31st annual Lesbian and Gay Festival - Europe's largest. As usual, it is being held at the traditional gay stomping ground around Nollendorfplatz in Schöneberg.

Daily from 11 am the 5 Festival-Worlds: »World of Film«, »World of Politics«, »Positive World / World of Wellness and Health«, »World of Radio« and »World of Sports« are presenting themselves on 20.000 m² at the Motz-, Eisenacher-, Fugger- and Kalckreuthstrasse as well as a wide range of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender projects, groups and organisations.

On this giant open air amusement every year the LGBT*-scene shows how to have fun with each other. With over 350.000 visitors from all over the world it is truly the biggest event of its kind.

Snacks, drinks, the music from the 6 stages: »98.8 KISS FM« B with the beat of Berlin, the »Connection-stage« D with house and techno music, the »WomenLesbianTrans*stage« C, »Queer Media« E with a mix of lesbian and gay entertainers and DJs and »SUNSHINE LIVE« F -electronic music radio- are for sure outstanding.

One of the absolute highlights of the festival is the celebrity talkshow »Das wilde Sofa« (The wild sofa) on the »Stadtfest-stage« A at the corner of Eisenacher Strasse and Fuggerstrasse. Gerhard Hoffmann will put his guests from politics and culture to the acid test on Saturday from 16:30-18:00. Afterwards there will be a colorful program from rock to pop on staurday until 11 and on sunday until 9 pm.

A variety of community projects from all over the world, organisations and parties will take part and make it the biggest showcase of the community!

Get an overview right here:
▶ Stadtfest-Lageplan


Daily from 11am the festival will take place in the area bounded by Motzstrasse, Eisenacher Strasse, Fuggerstrasse and Kalckreuthstrasse, spreading over 20,000 square meters, and featuring the 6 Festival-Worlds: »World of Film«, »World of Politics«, »Positive World«, »World of Radio«, »World of Sports« and »World of Wellness and Health«, as well as other exhibits from a wide range of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups. On this giant open air amusement every year the LGBT*-scene shows how to have fun with each other. With over 350.000 visitors from all over the world it is truly the biggest event of its kind. Snacks, drinks, the music from the 6 stages: The »Stadtfest-stage« with a colorful program from rock to pop, »98.8 KISS FM« with the beat of Berlin, the »Connection-stage« with house and techno music, the »WomenLesbianTrans*stage«, »Queer Media« with a mix of lesbian and gay entertainers and DJs and »SUNSHINE LIVE« -electronic music radio- are for sure outstanding.true Lesbisch-schwules Stadtfest Berlin Nollendorfplatz Berlin Berlin 10777 Festival OfflineEventAttendanceMode Regenbogenfonds der schwulen Wirte e.V.